Travel East Tennessee
Discover the best locations and attractions and get the most out of your next visit.

Randy and Lucinda
About Us
Hi. We’re Randy and Lucinda Brown. Welcome to our blog. We live in east Tennessee where we love to travel, take plenty of photos, try out restaurants, and share our experience with others.
In this website, we’ll share our tips and reviews to help you plan your next excursion to east Tennessee.
We’re adding the content as we go, so some of the categories won’t have information at first.
Latest Articles
Southeast Tennessee Festivals and Events for December 2021
Here is a list of Southeast Tennessee festivals and events for December 2021. The Southeast portion tends to have the fewest events partly because...
Middle East Tennessee Festivals and Events for December 2021
Here is a list of Middle East Tennessee Festivals and Events for December 2021. Many people will be attending events centered around their own,...
Northeast Tennessee Festivals and Events for December 2021
Here is a list of Northeast Tennessee festivals and events for December 2021. Many people will be attending events centered around their own,...
East Tennessee 2021 Christmas Parades
Here's our look at the 2021 Christmas Parades in East Tennessee. Saturdays seem to be the big day for parades especially December 11th. All dates...
Fireside Grille, Chattanooga
Fireside Grille in Chattanooga isn't what we expected. We checked out their website and were impressed. The site left out some information. It's a...
Mini-Golf at The Track
Randy and I played mini-golf at The Track in Pigeon Forge on our recent anniversary trip. The Track is a southern chain of Family Fun Parks...